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  • How fitting it will be that the name Gerald R. Ford will patrol the high seas for decades to come, in the defense of the nation he loved so much.

    CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2007 2007

  • It's a toss-up if the initial version will be called the Gerald R. Ford or America.

    Patrick Takahashi: Trillions and Quadrillions 2009

  • You have called Gerald R. Ford unto yourself and again he has responded to you with hope and has confirmed by America's prayers, just as he sought them, when called to serve as president of this great nation.

    CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2006 2006

  • This article reexamines the question, drawing on legislative history as well as interviews with key legislators such as Gerald R. Ford, cabinet members including Nicholas deB.

    Archive 2008-04-01 Mary L. Dudziak 2008

  • ↑ Henry F. Graff, "Gerald R. Ford," The Presidents, P. 538

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • Ricky Thompson The USS Gerald R. Ford, designed to serve for the next 50 years, under construction in Newport News, Va.

    China Takes Aim at U.S. Naval Might Julian E. Barnes 2012

  • The New Arms Race The USS Gerald R. Ford was supposed to help secure another half century of American naval supremacy.

    China Takes Aim at U.S. Naval Might Julian E. Barnes 2012

  • In a forward to the report, Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to presidents Gerald R. Ford and George H.W. Bush, said the study "emphasizes that on-the-job training alone is no longer a sufficient method, if it ever was, to develop a US diplomatic service that is second to none."

    Hearing highlights need for Foreign Service training, lack of congressional interest 2011

  • Onlooker await motorcade at Gerald R. Ford MuseumMeanwhile, as preparations were made at the Gerald R. Ford Musuem for the arrival of Betty Ford's casket, a small gathering of onlookers formed at the entrance to see the motorcade come through.

    Mich. city mourns, welcomes Betty Ford home 2011

  • In a 2007 speech promoting that book at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, a talk that is now posted online, Mr. Landau described himself as a D.C. insider who worked for eight presidents.

    The Case of the Disappearing Documents Ellen Gamerman 2011


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